I’ve always been fascinated with the shapes of trees. A tree’s shape tells a story about its environment, and sometimes reflects aspects of a particular event. I marvel at the myriad forms of resilience and tenacity: the flexibility of coconut palms that can withstand torrential downpours and hurricane force winds; the short, rugged trees whose roots cling to and twist out of cracks in exposed rock faces; and bright yellow dandelions, that will grow just about anywhere a seed happens to land. Trees and plants in all sorts of circumstances must find sources of nourishment and grow around or through obstacles towards the light.
Like trees and plants, people also grow and develop in specific and creative ways in response to their environments, both internal and external. As trees reach towards nutrients and light, so people reach towards connection. We seek to be known, understood, and recognized. This can happen only within the context of relationships. Our early experiences shape our ideas about ourselves and our expectations of the world. We all live and develop within social relationships, within families of different configurations, cultures, and countries, all of which are embedded in historical contexts.
I have found a relational approach to therapy to be meaningful and effective. I consider myself a participant in what is ideally a strong and collaborative partnership. I share my observations, insights, and intuitions for consideration, with the understanding that we’ll use whatever is helpful and relevant and disregard the rest. My focus is on helping my clients to grow and be happier, improve and deepen personal relationships, become more satisfied and productive at work, and change life-long ways of coping that just aren’t working.
If you think we might be a good match, I invite you to get in touch!